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Turkey Meatball Bowl


This bowl has it all.  Flavorful meatballs, briny, tart Ume boshi cabbage, buttery, mellow turmeric cauliflower,  and chickpea ranch dressing.  

Turkey Meatballs

3 lbs or ground turkey meat

1 TBS minced shallots

1TBS minced garlic

1 cup finely chopped parsley

3 eggs

2 cups of almond flour

1 TBS pink salt

1 tsp white pepper

Combine all in a large bowl and mix well.  Use an ice cream scoop to create uniformly sized meat balls.  Place on a baking sheet with parchment paper for easy clean up.  Bake at 350 for about 18 minutes.  Remove when the meatball temperature is 165 degrees.  

Cauliflower Rice

2 bags of rice cauliflower or 1 large head of cauliflower

1 TBS ghee

1 tsp of turmeric

1 tsp of pink salt

If ricing the cauliflower, chop and add to a food processor for 5-10 seconds.  Do not turn into mush.  Large pieces preferred.  

Add ghee to sauté pan on medium heat.  Add cauliflower rice, turmeric and salt.  Cook 3 minutes or less if using fresh cauliflower.  Frozen with take 5-10.  

Pickled Cabbage

1 head of red cabbage

Umeboshi Vinegar 

Add cabbage to food processor.  cover with half Umeboshi Vinegar and 1/2 water

Health Benefits of Umeboshi Vinegar

 Born by natural fermentation, plum vinegar is rich in organic acids such as citric acid, malic acid, polyphenol and more. Due to its abundance of nutrients, no wonder people from all over the world are pivoting towards umeboshi vinegar.
One of the efficacy of umeboshi vinegar is the prevention of food poisoning. Plum vinegar contains about 20% salt and about 4% citric acid. Thus, the combination of both have a strong bactericidal effect and to ward off food poisoning.
The polyphenols contained in plum vinegar is a scintillating element. First, it has antiviral effects towards influenza virus, cold labialis, polio, hand-foot-and-mouth disease, and norovirus. Next, anti-inflammatory effects especially towards chronic inflammation.
The myriad of antioxidant ingredients such as “polyphenol”, “vitamin E”, and “plum lignan” helps to slow down aging as well as suppressing or repairing DNA mutations that lead to the development of cancer.
Finally, plum extract not only reduces LDL cholesterol level in the blood (arteriosclerosis caused by fat in the blood), it also helps to improve blood flow, thereby suppressing hypertension and rising blood pressure.